Friday, February 20, 2009


So right around the time i was born my mom's doctor's discovered an AVM in her brain (a knot of blood vessels).  
I was a high risk pregnancy because of the AVM & my mom could have very well died during delivery.  This is also the reason I'm an only child. 

Luckily enough, my mom lived through my birth & was also able to undergo a cutting edge radiology treatment for her AVM. 
The only catch? apparently about 20 years after receiving the treatment, most of the patients are experiencing random seizures.  The doctors don't know if they should attribute it to scar tissue or just a long-term effect of the radiology.  

I didn't find any of this information out until a few months after my mom's first seizure which was in July 08. 

It was weird finding out that my mom's case wasn't just an isolated incident & that in fact quite a few people were experiencing just what she was.  
My mom couldn't drive for quite a while & she was put on an anti-seizure medication that she'll have to take for the rest of her life.  Getting the dosage right was really tricky because if she took too much she would get debilitating headaches but if she took too little she was obviously at risk of seizing. 

Well yesterday my mom started showing classic symptoms of seizure while at work & the nurses she works with made her lie down & called her doctor.  Apparently my mom never fully entered a seizure, but she was really shaken up about it & said that she couldn't shake the feeling.  

I don't know if it means that her medicine is working because she didn't actually have a seizure, or if it means that she'll have to increase her dose & deal with all these headaches. But needless to say, this situation has gotten me a little bit scared the past day and a half. 

I guess all i can do is go home & spend time with my mom & be grateful that something terrible didn't happen.

1 comment:

  1. I hope your mom is feeling better soon! I bet they just have to adjust her meds and everything will be better- it can take a while for them to get everything balanced correctly.
