Monday, April 20, 2009

i'm going to stopl letting people walk all over me

I don't understand why i continue to let people benefit from all of my hard work.
And I don't understand why i let these particular leaches keep me up until 3:30 just because they've waited until the last possible minute to study for a crucial exam. Why why why do i do this?


  1. i feel ya girl. i have a group presentation to do tomorrow, and i am going to be really, really REALLY busy tonight with a lot of stuff, so i asked my group members to please send me their slides by yesterday, so i could work on it and finish it and not have to worry about it today because i have so much to do.

    when do i get their emails? one at 11:30pm, one at 1 am, and one this morning at 9am.


    you know why people like us do this? because we are nice, helpful people. i, too, am learning that this can be a downfall.

  2. Seriously Kristen, I feel like some people just weren't taught to be considerate of others. Thank goodness our mothers taught us the right way to treat people
