Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Spring Semester

Hello Dear Friends,

I've returned from a wonderful month of exploration, cultural discoveries, inspiration and adventures. I've returned and found myself in a snowy, uninspiring tundra - similar to the Delaware that I left behind.

Oh how I was hoping that the climate would have magically altered itself to resemble Ethiopia's while I was gone.

But Alas! It hasn't. And the snow on the ground when I got off the plane served as a prompt reminder that I need to shape up, put my big girl winter boots on (not that I have winter boots), and deal with life again.

However, this has proved to be quite uninspiring. So I think I'll recount my adventure one country at a time, through six posts... starting tomorrow.

But here's one from Thailand for those who, like me, are suffering from the winter blues

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