Monday, October 12, 2009

WOW it's been too long

sometimes i feel guilty that i only use my blog when i need it, but that's what they're for, right?

i'm feeling very overwhelmed this week & i don't even have any exams.. yikes!

I have had three marketing quizzes in a row, which seems a little overkill to me. 3 quizzes on one section? really necessary? Also in marketing, I have a group experiment/paper/presentation AND a group analysis paper all due next week. In between this week & next is what's supposed to be my fall break, & since i'm the only one of my group members who's not going home for fall break, i'm anticipating i'll get stuck with all three assignments....
sometimes i hate being a leadership major, people automatically expect you to organize every meeting, everyone's schedules etc. I am not the only person who is capable of this! and actually, it would be much easier for everyone if it was a group effort!

In other news, this is going to be a very significant year for me.
  • i was recently nominated to the Exemplary Leaders Circle, a group of elite students in my major who get to partake in several activities organized by our main professors & faculty. Our first adventure is to meet with the new provost of the University
  • i'm the president of the registered student organization associated with my major & we've had a very successful first meeting & first outing. The club's bigger than it's ever been!
  • I'm taking a class called "Assessing Obama's First Year," which is exciting on its own, but even more exciting because the lecture series includes David Axelrod, senior advisor to Obama, David Plouffe (Obama's former campaign manager), and Colin fucking Powell, among others..
  • I'll start looking for grad schools/ seriously considering the peace corps... wtf
  • I'll be traveling to Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Thailand & Jordan.
This is the part of my year i'm most excited about! I leave January 1st which seems ALL too close for my liking. I still need to mentally prepare for the 5 wonders of the world i'll see & the harsh realities i will encounter in these countries. Destitute poverty & children with literally no one in the world who cares if they live through the night, other children who sell their bodies for money, and a prevalence of men & women who entertain the notion (and then act on the notion) that it's okay to kidnap people in order to make money.

Not to mention, i need to physically prepare, get supplies and get packed... but i'm getting a little ahead of myself. Maybe I should just finish this paper for now...

peace & blessings, peace & blessings!

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